
“拜登总统的两党的两党基础设施​​法使我们能够面对遗产污染和长期的环境不公正,即太长期以来困扰着困扰的社区,”国际秘书韦拉兰说。 “We must act with urgency to address the more than one hundred thousand documented orphaned wells across the country and leave no community behind. This is good for our climate, for the health our communities, and for American workers.” 



几乎每个具有记录孤立井的州的州提交了意图通知(NOI),表明申请公式赠款的兴趣,以资助孤儿的Wellsandwell网站的适当关闭和清理。  Funding will proceeds with up to $25 million in an initial round for the 26 states that submitted NOIs, then phase one allocations vary based on a state’s recent job losses; the documented number of orphan wells in a state; and the estimated cost of testing, plugging and site remediation for identified wells.

“该部门正在采取周到和有条不紊的方法来实施孤立石油和天然气井计划,旨在尽快迅速地销量,同时纳税人的负责任。 We are committed to ensuring states receive investments equitably and based on data-driven needs,” Haaland says.  

该部门预计将不再释放各国申请初始拨款的详细指导。 These resources will allow state officials to begin building out their plugging programs, remediating high-priority wells, and collecting additional data regarding the number of orphaned wells in their states. Improvements in the state data, combined with more accurate Bureau of Labor Statistics job loss data that will be released in upcoming months, will allow the department to ensure that the final formula funding for states is based on the best information available.